The delicately spicy creamy sauce combines culinary inspirations from West African, French and Spanish cuisine. Selected chicken, cream, thyme and oregano are complemented by...
Taste the real India, prepared according to traditional recipes... Chicken breast pieces in a sauce with coconut milk, cream and Garam masala spices straight from the Far East....
The kids are gonna get lumps behind their ears. But the adults will be drooling too.
Kids are foxy and won't settle for just anything. But when they smell this classic of our...
Traditional Indian specialty cooked according to the original recipe and using local spices. The meat is marinated for 24 hours in a mixture of creamy yoghurt and spices and...
Baked chicken wings in a bag?! That's too much!!! You'll definitely score with this one on a trek with friends, or even with the family on a picnic. We've stripped the wings of...
Every cowboy must love this dish! Texas classics at their most honest. No substitutes, no rice, just 100% Chilli con Carne made with coarsely ground beef and large red beans in...
If this doesn't warm you up, nothing will. Spicy thick Indian lentil soup with ginger, chilli and coriander is the perfect energy source for winter mountain expeditions.
The true taste of Italy in your backpack. Hard wheat penne pasta with traditional Bolognese sauce with minced beef and pork, tomatoes, carrots and parsley, washed down with a...
A simple recipe based on first-class ingredients you will quickly love. A nice piece of pan-seared lean pork chop with natural juices with homemade paprika sausage and Znojmo...
A sourdough starter like Grandma's in a bag? Yes, this is already a reality of the 21st century. Plums marinated in compote together with long-grain rice cooked in milk, brushed...
Explorea revolutionary way of heating food in the open air without a cooker and utensils. The self-heating set includes 5 capsules of 60g and a handy Zipper bag for safe...
Can't you take your grandmother with you to cross the mountains? Well, here's the first best alternative. Fresh sliced apples with cottage cheese and cinnamon, all with a bun...
The kids are gonna get lumps behind their ears. But the adults will be drooling too.
You don't have to go to the blue-yellow wilderness for this Nordic goodness that kids are...
A tasty dish full of sweet carrots with juicy lean turkey meat, cooked in steam without fat. Also suitable for children. One pack makes 1 serving.Suitable for SCD.
Grilled spicy chicken wings with honey and chilli are suitable for quick preparation of treats at home and in the countryside. The dish can also be eaten cold. One package...
Thanks to mushrooms sautéed with finely chopped onions and carefully selected spices, this hearty soup has an unmistakable, full-bodied flavour. The cream with butter adds to...
Lean pieces of pork shoulder in creamy sauce with fresh mushrooms, softened with cream and butter. One package makes 2 servings. Shelf life up to 10 years.
Marinated turkey breast, slow roasted, sliced thin. Suitable for adding to salads or sandwiches (baguettes).
For the preparation of 150 g 230 g of meat was used.