15 hours slow drawn broth from beef, bones and root vegetables, lightly salted, suitable as a base for soups, sauces and for pouring over roasted meat. It will make your food...
A mildly spicy creamy Indian sauce with pieces of roasted chicken breast, seasoned with the original spices garam masala, ginger, turmeric and coriander. Our tip: tastes great...
Pieces of deer meat stewed in their own juices, seasoned only with salt. The meat is also delicious cold. It is suitable for quick preparation of spreads, soups, sauces and salads.
Deer meat stewed in red wine with root vegetables. Seasoned with wild spices and currant marmalade, which gives the sauce a sweet and sour fresh taste.
A hearty snack soup with chunks of beef and potatoes. The meat is sautéed in onions and peppers, covered with beef broth. The soup is seasoned with marjoram and garlic
One hearty 300g serving of a dish ideal for lovers of spicy food who appreciate the taste of sterilised cucumbers, capers and hot peppers in the sauce with a base of juicy pork...
The base of the soup is a slow-pulled broth with quality root vegetables and pieces of lean chicken. The soup can be topped with noodles, your favorite soup pasta, or drippings....
Fresh Mediterranean tomato soup with rice, olive oil and basil. This popular soup can be garnished with a spoonful of sour cream on the plate. This soup is popular with children...
A simple, nutritious and tasty soup with a high proportion of protein, fibre and minerals. Supplement this thick legume soup with your favourite bread and it will keep you full...
Boneless pork knuckle marinated in salt, rubbed with garlic and seasoned with crushed cumin and chilli. It tastes great cold with fresh bread or warm with our Oriental-style...
One hearty portion of pork roulade hand stuffed with egg phas with sausage pieces in a delicate sauce of sautéed onions, mustard and eggs makes an ideal flavour combination...
A delicious snack of goose liver with cashew nuts and onions. Can be eaten alone or spread on bread. No need to store in the fridge and fits easily in your pocket.
A hearty soup that is a good source of protein, fibre and minerals. Quickly replenishes energy after a hard day. Complement this thick legume soup with your favourite bread and...
One hearty portion of 300g pork shoulder in paprika sauce on onion base, which is an equivalent version of the classic goulash and as a side dish is best dumpling or bread.
Inspired by the traditional French dish Cassoulet. During slow cooking, white beans, turkey meat, root vegetables, spices and tasty sausage are transformed into a delicious dish.
Pieces of venison marinated with onion and thyme, braised in its own juices, seasoned with salt only. It is suitable for quick preparation of spreads, soups, sauces and salads....